Nastie, feat. Roddy Bottum of Faith No More, The Broadway February 15, 2020 |
Nastie intimidated me when I checked them out at first. I don't know what the right tag for them would be, but Leather Sludge Metal is what comes to my mind. That's not normally the sound I go for when I'm say, driving around running errands. But Roddy is always seemingly involved with fascinating projects, so I was game to head out to a foreign-to-me neighborhood of Brooklyn and see what's doing with these guys.
My evening at The Broadway started out with a young trio performing to pre-programmed playlist of instrumental tracks, complete with brief silence in between songs. Perhaps the space was there to allow for an applause break or in case stage banter was called for. While not the first time I've seen this happen, it was the first time I felt a bit awkward for the people in the spotlight. "Oh! This song is awesome!" they said to each other when one tune began. It was almost as if they were being informed of what the next song was going to be at the same time we all were.
While their brand of droning vocals over computer generated electronica was not for me, I still appreciated their efforts and courage to get up there. Especially in front of a handful of half-interested stragglers who had started wandering upstairs to the performance area from the lively bar on the floor below.
After they finished, a few mysterious figures clad in long robes set up a semi-circle of fake candles in front of the lowrise stage. I was intrigued and slightly concerned about what was about to happen. What were they going to need candles for? Was a ceremony going to take place? My interpretation of "Valentinus Ritual with Lilith" had been more along the lines of seeing the band name Superjoint Ritual; there's not actually going to be a formal celebration of weed. I thought it was just a cool, Valentine-themed name.
The set started off with an introduction from a woman who ended up being involved with Daggers Magazine, the hosts putting on the show. With her German accent, she half jokingly threatened to punch anyone who violated the personal space of the participants on stage during the "fertility ritual."
What transpired before my eyes was pretty unforgettable; a scantily clad couple was lead to the stage through the crowd by an equally scantily-clad goddess-like female. They arranged themselves in a triangle on their knees while an eerie chant echoed over the loudspeakers while the guide lead the couple through what I can only describe as "PG-13 sexytime", which involved grinding a dagger, lots of feeling each other up, hairpulling and being spanked by a bouquet of roses. This was not what I thought was going to happen when I planned to come out to a taqueria nightclub to see a metal band. But there I was.
When it was over, people applauded and congratulated the performers for their wild performance. Thankfully no one was punched; Brooklyn knows how to be open minded and respectful of personal space.
Finally it was time for Nastie. It was a very short set, clocking in at a little less than a half hour, but still impactful. The visuals alone were very memorable; it's not every day I get to see Roddy Bottum in a leather vest and speedo. Nor is it every day I get to see twins even, let alone topless with matching sculpted bodies as a costumed ghoul lurks in the back of the stage.
Their sound was very heavy, slow and dark, which was enhanced by smoke that billowed out onto the stage as they played. All very dramatic. Speaking of added drama, the hostess who introduced the ritual revealed during her Nastie introduction that her German accent was not real.
Overall, I'm glad I went to check the show out. Although it was way out of the norm for me, it's nice to shake things up and see something different for a chance. I appreciated the theatricality and it sure beat staying in and indulging on sweets!