Thoughts while watching:
-Robbie Williams is so filled with glee introducing them. I would have said the band name the same way. Probably while jumping up and down and clapping as well.
-I have no idea who these three people are at the very beginning of this clip. Did anyone in Europe?
-James looks so excited right from the get-go. Like “HA No cussing eh? Just wait.”
-What were the MTV people thinking. Was it like during the Doors movie when they were on Ed Sullivan. That is my only frame of reference for this kind of situation.
-Was Metallica ever concerned about getting cut off?
-I was in a sleepy haze when I clicked on this, but as soon as James starts singing, I woke up
-Is it my imagination or does Kirk look nervous. Who does he keep looking at.
-This guy singing along in front is all of us.
-Shoutout to the person who clearly suggested “ZOOM IN ON JAMES’ EYES ALL THE TIME.” This way you can really see the fire in his eyes. Hello.
-WHY ARE THESE STUPID FLOWERS THERE. Why are they allowed. And why is it every time they are first visible, I think they’re fake vampire bats on a stick despite already knowing they’re not.
-How did Kirk get the flower off his guitar?
-If they hadn’t reacted this way, would they have ended up killing someone by the end of the night? Because I’m definitely feeling murderous rage waves coming through my TV.
-Every time I watch this video, I want to watch it again as soon as it ends.
Did it affect my day?
Only in that I wanted to watch more Metallica videos and listen to them on my walk. Although I suppose it did get me thinking that sometimes it’s worth it to pursue your art on a serious level and everyone else should mind their own business.