Monday, October 23, 2017

CONCERT REPORT: In This Moment: Providence (PHOTOS)

Maria Brink of In This Moment, Providence, RI, October 2017

I got another opportunity to shoot the amazing band In This Moment in Rhode Island a few Fridays ago when their Half God Half Devil Tour came to one of my favorite venues, Lupo's. They are super theatrical and always a fun challenge. Lots of smoke and wild lighting keeps me on my toes, as do lead singer Maria Brink and her bandmates (guitarists Chris Howarth, Randy Weitzel, bassist Travis Johnson and drummer Kent Dimmel). Of course, her Blood Girls were in tow, flanking Maria like loyal subjects in her Rock and Roll Queendom.

In This Moment's metal is heavy but melodic, touching on the darker subjects in life like abuse and serious relationship dysfunction. But embracing demons, and almost dressing like one at times, has not made Brink an intimidating figure so much as a heroine for young people everywhere. Setting an example by showing the world how she has risen above her demons to become a powerful female in control of herself and the stage. Bunches of young girls look up to her from the front row, wearing costumes paying tribute to Maria and her musical cohorts ranging from ghoulish makeup to masks emblazoned with black and white crucifixes. To outsiders, it looks like a costume party. To those inside, it's a community where creative expression is welcome and celebrated.

To check out my photos from the show, click here!